The Truth About... Getting Started With No Money Or Bad Credit...
Fae Bautista Fae Bautista

The Truth About... Getting Started With No Money Or Bad Credit...

There are some challenges when it comes to getting started if you don't have any money. For real estate in general, you do need some money, and starting capital, depending on your strategy, sometimes you need more than less - like wholesalers, you can find properties and assign contracts to investors. But… it comes down to time versus money - meaning if you don't have a lot of money, then you have to take a lot of time. The opposite is true as well - if you got a lot of money, you may not have to spend a lot of time. Just partner for your weaknesses. On the apartments that I mentioned earlier, my coaching student will own 32% of a 96-unit apartment with no money in the deal!

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